With the bills getting hiked up just in time for the heating coming back on, we want to try and offer some advice for making sure your home is as toasty as possible. If we’re paying for the luxury of gas and electric, we want to squeeze every penny out of it!
Did you know that during the 70s the average home was heated to 12 degrees? Compare this to today and a lot of us preferring the warmer temperature of anywhere between 18-24 degrees! So, to try and save you some of that hard earned money, we have compiled some big and small jobs, as well as some money savers and reminders to help you with locking in the heat and saving where possible.
With a summer like we’ve had, does this mean we should expect the wettest of winters? To be prepared, there is the option to seal your external brickwork. Firstly, work with a Fungicidal Wash from Cromar to prepare the surface, then apply their Exterior Water Seal. This is an excellent way to prevent damp and any other problems which may result in your home becoming subject to the elements.
If insulating your roof is on the hit list, Soudatherm Roof from Soudal is great for bonding roofing insulation boards to pretty much anything. It loves uneven surfaces and covers large areas much quicker than other fixing methods. Plus, being a foam means added insulation and less drafty gaps. You are welcome!
Resealing your windows is a brilliant way to lock in that heat and prevent drafts. Using the Everbuild Strip and Smooth Twin Pack alongside Bond It LMH25 Sealant, this will be a piece of cake! The Everbuild twin pack will become a trusty part of your tool kit, and the LMH25 comes in 7 colours. Not limited to glazing, it can be used pretty much anywhere so is perfect to keep close to hand.
This video from South Coast Sealants Ltd is a great fuss free ‘how to’ for sealing your frames.
And if you don’t fancy doing it yourself, get in touch and we can always let you know who’s local to you to get the job done.
Soudal Window & Door SWS is another superb product that is completely airtight. For more of a refit rather than upkeep, but depending on the job, Soudal have made one of the best thermal jackets for your abode with this one.
Fill those gaps in your floorboards to stop unwanted drafts. Cromar Backing Rod comes in a variety of widths so no matter how big the space, you’ll be able to fill it! Any other drafty areas can be filled with the backing rod and then secured with sealant over the top. Bond It LMH25 can step in again here and will definitely keep the heat in and the winter chill out.
If resealing and draft proofing isn’t on your to do list, then check you out, we have taught you well! We can still help save you some money on a few other gems that we have brought in for their purse pinching good looks.
Both from Soudal. Both long lasting.
First up is the Soudal Glass & Mirror Foam Cleaner… in an aerosol! 750ml, but it is equal to 10 litres of the liquid stuff. We call that a WIN.
Soudal’s Soudabond Easy Genius is part of their Genius Gun range, but wait for it… You can seal it and re-use it for up to 6 weeks! No more throwing half a can away because you don’t need anymore. No more splurging on foam applicator guns and cleaners as this little baby is also handheld.
We know that you all know the basics, but with all this summer sunshine you’d be forgiven for forgetting what we used to do in preparation for the colder months.
So don’t forget:
- Bleed your radiators! After sitting for a few months, they may not heat up all the way to the top.
- Adjusting radiator temps in unused rooms such as bedrooms will save you a pretty penny.
- Thermal blinds and curtains work wonders for keeping that extra bit of warmth in.
- Secondary glazing film for your windows is a thing! And is easy to apply yourself.
You can shop our complete Warm for Winter range by clicking right here
And if you need any advice from us, you can always pop us a call, email, or fill in our contact form and one of our glamorous sales team will be able to help. They’re experts don’t you know!