Installing or updating flooring in your home doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Instead, by installing your new flooring with reliable sealants and adhesives, your project can be a simple process with a seamless finish.
To help you with installing your new flooring we have rounded up some top tips below…
- Properly prepare the surface
Before applying the new flooring, it is essential to remove any old flooring and existing sealant which may be in place. Sealant can be removed with specialist products and materials, there are also products which can be used to prep and smooth the flooring prior to new application.
- Use high quality sealants
For a durable and long-lasting application, using a high-quality sealant for your project is key. We recommend researching the options suitable for your type of flooring, reading the specifications and fine print to ensure the sealant you purchase will work for your flooring application.
- Invest in application tools
For a project such as flooring application, we recommend investing in application tools. Having the right equipment at your disposal will help you to create a seamless finish. Also due to the demand on flooring and in high-traffic areas, the application needs to be level and accurate, therefore having the right tools will help you to achieve a finish to be proud of.
Our top floor sealant picks
A sealant and gap filler which is designed for sealing laminate flooring and around fitted furniture. This sealant is also silicone and solvent-free and therefore has a low odour. With adhesion to most common substrates and a fungicide to prevent against mould growth in the sealant.
A paintable sealant which is recommended in a huge range of construction environments including structural movement joints in floors and floor joints with high traffic. We recommend this sealant for use by trade professionals and in large construction projects.
Bond-It Lami-Mate Timber Sealant
A polymer enhanced, flexible sealant and gap—filler which has been created for sealing all tongue and groove laminate flooring. After curing this sealant can also be varnished or wood stained if required.
Speak to our team
If you would like to know more about the sealants and adhesives we have, we have tonnes of great information via our website. However, if you would like to speak to a member of our team simply call us on 01708 525 866 or email and we will be in touch as soon as possible.